          維基解密:美中關係展望-7(不負責任的玩家,2008.02.24) 維基解密:美中關係展望-7(不負責任的玩家,2008.02.24) 【Comment】一樣的,2010年尾三場大戲都演完了。然後呢?如何面對空靈惆悵的世局? Viewing cable 08BEIJING661, Prospects for U.S.-China Relations●WikiLeaks(2008.02.24) I 濾桶RRESPONSIBLE STAKEHOLDER? ------------------------- 對於中國改扮演核種國際角色,中國內部議論紛紛。一些外交政策主張中國應抓緊機會主導如氣候變遷、不擴散大規模殺傷武器和條廷國際紛爭等全球議題。消息指出 西裝外套,這些議論反應其政府完全基於本國利益進行著內部的議論。中國認為其還是太貧窮、低度開發,還未強到承擔國際責任。 一位學者稱:「美國仍享盡國際公共財,所以要負擔幾乎所有的成本。」這種論調,加上常真心表露「不干涉他國國內事務」,成為?買屋網什磞b追求如緬甸、伊朗、蘇丹及其他混蛋國家商業利益時的藉口。 中國的外交政策在長期廣泛的全球利益,與短期赤裸的本國利益之間,還會繃緊一陣子。目前為止,輿論仍有效的促使中國努力在這些流氓國家獲取利益。中國想建立一個負責任大國的國際形象,也對其縱容流氓政權的?酒店經紀惚D常感冒。中國在世界譁然並威脅其另外一個核心利益北京奧運後,在達爾富議題上的採取合作態勢,這顯示輿論對其有影響力。雲程譯,感謝feema大提供 其7. (C) Internal debate continues in China regarding its appropriate international role. Some foreign policy figures argue C 關鍵字行銷hina should seize opportunities to lead on global issues like climate change, nonproliferation and mediation of international disputes. Contacts have said these remarks reflect internal government debates on balancing global with purely national interests. The feeling in China that China remain 買屋s too poor and underdeveloped to be much of a global stakeholder remains strong, although it would appear that China's standard of "developed" is increasingly the United States. One academic said, "the United States still reaps almost all of the benefits of 'international public goods' and should exp 景觀設計ect to bear almost all of the costs." This argument, along with the frequent pious invocation of "non-interference in internal affairs" provides a thin political justification for China's fundamentally mercantile pursuit of resources in Burma, Iran, Sudan and other states. The tension between China's long-term, broad global 酒店打工interests and its short-term, naked national interests will persist in Chinese foreign policy for some time. So far, public opinion has been the most effective tool in blunting the Chinese effort to profit from its rogue-state relationships. The Chinese want to build an international image as a responsible power and are sensitive to accusations that they facilitate 買房子 the abuses of rogue regimes. The Chinese cooperation on Darfur after international outcry began to threaten another core interest (a successful Olympics) demonstrates how public opinion can provide effective motivation. BEIJING 00000661 003 OF 004 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 關鍵字排名  .

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